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League Rules

The First Rule:  Sportsmanship

The SAABL subscribes to the highest level of sportsmanship.  This means showing respect for umpires, opposing players, teammates, fans and the fields on which we play.  It is imperative that, as a player in the SAABL, you understand the importance of and demonstrate this level of sportsmanship at all times.  The conduct of all players, managers and umpires has a direct effect on the image and vitality of the SAABL.  Throwing equipment, arguing with umpires, the use of profanity, deliberate attempts to injure another player, verbal threats, and physical fights or altercations are examples of poor sportsmanship, and are not tolerated.  Players who fail to meet this standard of sportsmanship are subject to ejection from games, suspensions, fines or any / all of the above, as well as banishment from the league.  A player need not have been ejected from a game to face these penalties.  The SAABL expects players, coaches, managers and umpires to always represent themselves and the league with the highest degrees of character, integrity and sportsmanship.  

Rule Hierarchy and Changes

Games in the SAABL are played according to the current Official Rules of Major League Baseball (click hyperlink for a current PDF version of the rules).  The SAABL Game Rules supplement the MLB Official Rules and where there are any inconsistencies, the SAABL Game Rules will always apply.  The current SAABL Game Rules are listed below and are subject to change, when in the best interest of the league.  Each year, the Board of Directors will review and recommend any changes to the SAABL Game Rules.  Changes are voted on and subsequently approved by the SAABL Board of Directors.


It is the responsibility of all players, coaches, managers and umpires to be familiar with and comply with the game rules that govern play in the SAABL.

General League Rules
1. Equipment

1.1. Uniforms

All players, coaches and managers must wear full baseball uniforms to be eligible to participate in a game.  A full baseball uniform is considered to be a numbered jersey, baseball pants socks or stirrups and a baseball cap. Each players uniform must be of similar design to his teammates uniforms.  Players out of uniform will not be allowed to play.  All teams should have their uniforms by their first game.  A grace period should be extended to newly activated players or for new teams to complete their uniforms.  


1.2. Helmets

All batters, runners, and base coaches must wear helmets while on the field of play. Helmets with ear flaps facing the pitcher are required for batters. Catchers are required to wear a protective helmet during the game.  During warm-ups, in between innings, catchers need not wear a helmet or mask.  


1.3. Bats

Players may use either wood or composite-wood baseball bats conforming to official standards and approved for use in the SAABL. Metal bats are not approved.



 "Composite-wood" means (a) bats composed of more than one wood species, (b) wood bats with a special composite coating or composite wrapping on a wood handle, and (c) wood bats with a composite core, and (d) bats with a wood barrel and composite (graphite, carbon fiber, fiberglass, or aluminum) handle.


1.3.2. Infractions

A batter who enters the batter's box with an Illegal Bat is declared out regardless of whether or not a pitch has been delivered.


1.4. Footwear

Players must wear athletic shoes. Metal cleats are permitted, subject to field-specific rules.


2. Fields


2.1. Care of Fields

The following rules apply to the care of fields used by the SAABL:


2.1.1. Warm-ups, running, stretching, and pepper games.

Where permissible by individual field rules shall always be in the outfield, and not on the infield.


2.1.2. Hitting or Throwing Balls into Fences

Players shall not hit or throw balls into fences as part of their warm-up.


2.1.3. Post-Game Cleanup

Rake dirt out of and away from the grass. Clear all dugouts of all trash and dispose of properly.


2.1.4. Interaction with Field Personnel

All SAABL players shall be polite and respectful to field personnel. We are guests on their field (and can be uninvited).


2.1.5. Practice after a Rainout

No practice is allowed on a field after a rained-out game is declared..


2.2. Alcohol and Tobacco

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are not permitted on the premises where games are played, including the field area and parking lots. No player will be permitted on the premises under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Players shall abide by posted rules at the field. Of note, tobacco products (including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, electronic cigarettes and vape devices) are prohibited on school property, including all school fields and parking lots. If reported to a Board of Directors assigned disciplinary committee, and they conclude that there is a reasonable belief that this rule was violated, they may levy penalties including but not limited to suspensions and fines.


2.3. Personnel on Field and in Dugouts

For the safety of all concerned, as well as compliance with insurance requirements, only roster-listed players and authorized pool players shall be permitted on the field or in the dugouts during a game. Friends, kids, family, and batboys, etc. are expressly prohibited. 


3. Length & Completion of Games


3.1. A Full Game:

It is the objective of the League to ensure that every game is played to the fullest (nine innings or more, as needed,) and that there is a clear outcome. Due to field use, schedules, and budget constraints, this will not always be possible. This objective will not be met whenever a game is called "completed" by the umpires for either of the following conditions: Time Limits (rule 3.2,) and Rain, Darkness or Other Conditions (see rule 3.3).


3.2. Time Limits:


3.2.1. Regular Season and Non-Championship Playoff Games:

No new inning will start after 2 hours and 50 minutes.  Upon announcement of "Play Ball!" from the umpire, the countdown will begin.  When the clock reaches 00:00, the umpire will announce "Time has expired.  No new inning."  If the home team is batting and is ahead, the game will end at this point, even if this occurs in the middle of a player's at-bat.  The at-bat will not be counted as official.  If time expires while the visiting team is batting, the inning will be played to completion with both teams finishing their at bat in that inning.  In the case of a tie at the completion of the final inning, the game will be considered complete and logged as a tie game. Tie Games Completed Early:

A game which 9 innings have been played will be considered complete and a tie. During the regular season, "extra innings" will not be played. Non-Championship Playoff Games:

Considered suspended and finished at a later date, per Rule 3.5., OR, if the field remains available, and with the approval of the umpires working the game, the game may be continued until completed or until Rule 3.2.4 or Rule 3.4 applies. Mercy Rule

A game may be called complete when a team achieves a 12-run lead after 5 complete innings.  


3.2.2. Playoff Games--Division Championship:

Division Championship games will be played to completion, provided the field remains available and with the approval of the umpires working the game. If another game is scheduled to follow on the same field, Division Championship games will be suspended at 3 hours and 15 minutes and will then follow Rule 3.5. In the case of a tie after 9 innings and the game cannot be completed for any reason (such as time limits are reached per 3.2.4 or the umpires invoke Rule 3.3, or if the umpires are unable to continue) Division Championship games will be considered suspended and finished at a later date, per Rule 3.5.


3.2.3. New Inning:

A new inning begins when the third out is made in the bottom of the inning.


3.2.4. Field Specific Rules:

Some fields have time limits for lights or for field closure (i.e.; Lights turn off at 10:30 pm). Such time limits will be considered "drop dead" time limits for all games played on these fields. These conditions should be taken into account when determining whether a new inning should begin.


3.2.5. Games Called by Time Limits:

If a game is called by time limits (as defined above) and the inning has not completed (as defined in rule 3.6), then the score of the game shall revert back to the score at the end of the last completed inning.


3.3. Rain, Darkness or Other Conditions:

At the discretion of the umpires, a game in progress may be called "completed" when they have determined that rain, lack of visibility, or other conditions result in unsafe conditions for those involved in the play of the game.


3.4. Minimum Game Length:

To become an "Official Game," a regular season game must be played for a minimum of 5 "complete innings" (see Rule 3.6). To become an "Official Game," a non-championship playoff game must be played for a minimum of 7 "complete innings" (see Rule 3.6). Championship playoff games must be played for a minimum of 9 "complete innings" (see Rule 3.6). If a game has been called "completed" by the umpires for conditions described in rules 3.2 and/or 3.3, and it has been played for the minimum length as described herein, regular season games become an "Official Game" even if it is a tie. During the regular season, if a game is called by the umpires for conditions described in rules 3.2 and/or 3.3 and it has not been played for the minimum length as described herein, it becomes a "Non-Game".  During the playoffs, all games will be played until a winner is decided per or 3.2.2. If a playoff game is called by the umpires for any of the conditions described in rules 3.2 and/or 3.3 it will become a suspended game per rule 3.5.


3.5. Suspended Games:

A "Suspended Game" is not considered completed and no winner is declared. During the regular season, Suspended Games shall be resumed from the point of suspension in the game and finished when re-scheduled with the original players and lineup in place when the game was suspended. If all the original players are not available, then both teams shall be permitted to substitute players using their official roster at the time of the resumed game.


3.6. Complete Inning:

A "complete inning" is one in which both teams have been put out three times, or one in which the visitors have been put out three times and the home team is tied or ahead.


3.7. Official Games:

All games, once play has begun, will be considered either "Official Games", "Non-Games" or "Suspended Games" (playoffs only), as per the above rules. An official game may end in a tie (see rule 3.8.). All "Official Games" are "in the books."


3.8. Tie Games:

An Official Game in the regular season ending in a tie is considered "in the books," and will not be rescheduled or completed at a later date.


3.9. Length of Doubleheaders:

Both games of a doubleheader will be Full Games (see Rule 3.1), time permitting, unless tied, per the rules above in this section. Based on these rules, by definition, the first game of a double header will have a maximum length of 3 hours and 15 minutes.


3.10. Hurry Up:

Since we pay to play, and live with inevitable time limits, every reasonable effort should be made by both teams to speed up the pace of play between innings (see rule 5.4), and, between pitches. The SAABL does not adhere to MLB pace-of-play rules.


3.11  Re-scheduling

Although not guaranteed due to scheduling and field availability, SAABL will make every effort to re-schedule or resume any "non-games" or "suspended games".  Any games rained out will not be re-scheduled by the league, but may be made up at any time not conflicting with previously scheduled games. All make up games must be agreed to by both managers.


4. Pre-Game


4.1. Number of Players; Forfeits:

Teams must have a minimum of eight players for an official game to begin or proceed, and may borrow a ninth player from an opposing team with the opposing manager’s consent. If the team’s ninth player arrives after the start of the game, the borrowed player returns to his original team. A team having less than eight players at game time will be given a 15 minute grace period. If, at any time after the grace period, or during the game, a team falls below the required eight players, the game shall be declared a forfeit, and the team without the required number of players loses the game.


4.2. Line-up Cards:

Line-up cards specifying the starting offensive line-up, all other available players for that game, and courtesy runners (if any) will be exchanged between managers and given to the umpire & official scorekeeper prior to the start of the game. Line-up cards must reflect the jersey number, first initial and last name for all players listed on the card and should be legible to the opposing manager and umpires.  Line-up cards that do not meet the jersey number and name requirements or are not legible will not be accepted and the manager will be instructed to either fix the current or provide an entirely new line-up card that meets these requirements.  Players arriving late may be added at the bottom of the lineup or substituted under normal rules. All substitutions must be reported to the opposing team.


4.3. Scorekeeping:

Games played in the SAABL will have an official scorekeeper located at a table behind the backstop.  It is recommended that both teams keep score so that should questions or concerns arise, these can be resolved through a discussion between the manager and the official scorekeeper.  


4.4 Dugout Selection

The home team shall use the 3rd base dugout and the visiting team shall use the 1st base dugout.



5. Play of the Game


5.1. Line-ups and Substitutions:

The following rules govern line-ups and all substitutions:


5.1.1. Minimum Line-up.

The starting offensive line-up can have nine or more hitters (eight if the team has only eight players and is not loaned a ninth player per Pre-Game Rule 4.1).

If a team has only 8 players present, the team must take an automatic out at the end of the first time through their order. Thereafter, the lineup turns over without penalty.


5.1.2.  A/B Line up Position

A team may declare at the time that lineups are exchanged prior to the start of play that any batting order position can be occupied by two (2) players in each such batting position, designated as Player(A) /Player (B).  The first time that slot hits, (A) would bat and the next time this slot hits, (B) would bat alternating between these two players throughout the game.  Once a team declares the use of A/B system, it must continue using it for the remainder of the game.  Hitters in the A/B position may be pinch hit for, just as any other player. 


5.1.3. Adding and Removing Players to the Line-up.

The offensive line-up can be expanded by adding players at the bottom of the order.   If a player is forced to leave a game due to injury or ejection, a reserve player, not previously entered into the game as a hitter, must hit in the replaced hitter's place.  If there are no reserves who can replace the individual, the spot is skipped and all hitters below that position move up.  If a lineup has to be shortened for any reason, the team must take an automatic out the first time that slot is due up. Thereafter, the slot is eliminated and shall be passed without penalty.  If a lineup is shortened, the removed player is ineligible to return to the game on either offense or defense.  In no case can a lineup be shortened to less than 8 slots - a team needs 8 players to proceed or the game is a forfeit per rule 4.1.


All teams must announce all offensive additions, substitutions, and or changes to the home plate umpire and opposing team manager/ scorekeeper. If a team fails to announce an offensive addition or change, the player may be called out as an illegal substitution as soon as they enter the batters box.  The unannounced player will not have officially entered the offensive lineup and is therefore still available offensively even though an out has been assessed.



5.1.4. Defensive Changes.

Free and unlimited defensive substitutions may be made without regard to the offensive line-up, with the exception of pitchers who, once removed from the pitching position, may not return to pitching during that game, except with agreement from the opposing manager. Except in case of injury, pitchers must remain at pitcher for 1 Plate Appearance(PA) only.  


5.1.5. Courtesy Runners.

​Before the game, each team may designate up to a maximum of two players to have courtesy runners.  Each team must inform the other team and the umpire which players will have courtesy runners and identify them on the lineup card submitted at the plate meeting before the game begins.  That designation cannot be transferred to another player. The courtesy runner for any player so designated is the player who made the last batted out who is not already acting as a courtesy runner or the on-deck batter. A “batted out” is defined as a batter who, at the immediate conclusion of his at bat, has not reached base or has been put out and is no longer on base. That is, if the batter is put out before safely reaching base or is put out trying to stretch a single into a double or over running a base, he is a batted out. Once the ball is returned to the mound or time is called, and a batter remains on base, he can no longer be considered a batted out. If an out has not been made in the game, the courtesy runner will be the last player in the batting order who does not have a courtesy runner. If the batter scheduled to be on deck is at one of the bases as a courtesy runner, that courtesy runner is allowed to go on deck, and the next courtesy runner (last batted out) will assume the previous courtesy runner's place on base. Any player identified to have a courtesy runner may elect to run for themselves without losing the right to later use a courtesy runner.


5.1.6. Pitcher & Catcher Courtesy Rule.

Pitchers & catchers who are in the game at these positions may opt to have a courtesy runner whenever they reach base safely.  This is an option but not a requirement.  Therefore, pitchers and catchers may choose to run for themselves or opt for a courtesy runner.  If a pitcher or catcher opts to run for him/herself, they do not lose the option to choose a courtesy runner in the future.  


5.2. Slide or Avoid:

Base runners must either slide or attempt to avoid a collision with a fielder attempting to make a play in the vicinity of a base. Runners are never required to slide, but if a runner elects to slide, the slide must be legal as defined below. If no slide or attempt to avoid a collision is made in these circumstances, the umpire shall declare the base runner out. If no slide is made and a collision results, the umpire may, at his discretion, eject the base runner. If a fielder is not in the vicinity of a base, or is obstructing the base path without attempting to make a play, he/she is not protected by this rule and bears equal responsibility for avoiding collisions. Neither the catcher, nor any other fielder, may block the plate or a base without the ball. The umpire may call a runner "safe" when, except for a fielder blocking the plate or base without the ball, the runner would have reached the plate or base safely. It is strongly encouraged that this rule be specifically discussed at all pre-game home plate meetings to communicate the specific SAABL rule to the umpiring crew.


5.2.1. Legal Slide

A legal slide can be either feet-first or head-first that begins before s/he reaches the base. If a runner slides, s/he must slide and a) reach the base with either a hand or a foot and b) remain on the base. A runner may slide or run in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder. Jumping, hurdling, and leaping are all legal attempts to avoid a fielder as long as the fielder is lying on the ground.


5.2.2. Illegal Slide

A slide is illegal if a) the runner changes his/her path to the base in order to collide with an infielder, b) the runner uses a rolling, cross-body or pop-up slide into the fielder, or c) the runner’s raised leg is higher than the fielder’s knee when the fielder is in a standing position, or d) the runner goes beyond the base and then makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder, or e) the runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg, or f) the runner dives or attempts to dive over a fielder.


5.3. Decoy Rule:

A defensive player may decoy a runner into sliding or altering his path to the base only if it serves a "strategic purpose" and the defensive player does not obstruct the base path without the ball. In the event of a decoy violating this rule, all runners shall be allowed to advance an extra base without risk of being put out. Examples of "strategic purpose" include when a defensive player, who sees a runner attempting to steal second base during a hit and run play, looks upward into the sky and says he's got the pop-up when in fact the ball has been hit on the ground. This is a legal decoy as it may cause the runner to retreat to first base and prevent him from advancing. The defensive player who violates the decoy rule shall receive a warning and may be subject to ejection for a second offense.


5.4. Pitching:


5.4.1. Warm Up Pitches.

A pitcher shall be permitted eight warm-up pitches upon entering the game, five at the top of every subsequent inning, and none in an inning after moving from pitcher to fielder and returning to pitcher. If the umpire feels that a pitcher is trying to slow down the game intentionally, then and only then, he can lessen the amount of warm-up pitches to no less than five. The umpire also has the discretion to allow for as many warm-up pitches as necessary when a pitcher is substituting for an injured pitcher.


5.4.2. Hit Batters.

If a pitcher hits four batters in a single game, the pitcher must be removed on the fourth (4) hit batsman.  A pitcher so disqualified may remain in the game at another position.  


6. Post-Game


6.1.  Reporting Scores:

Game scores will be posted to the SAABL website through the official scorekeeper and will be reflected on the website.  It is highly recommended that managers confirm the final score with the official scorekeeper before leaving the field so that any differences that may exist are discussed and resolved before the official score is reported. In the event there is no official scorekeeper, managers should report scores to SAABL direct through their respective communication channel.


7. Other Rules


7.1 Minimum Roster Size:

Each SAABL team must have a minimum of 12 players on its active roster in order to be eligible for play and schedule for the upcoming season, by the registration deadline.  It is highly recommended that all teams have 15-20 players on the roster to help manage the minimum required Team Fee and to guard against forfeits.


7.2. Playoff Eligibility:

In order for a player to be eligible for the playoffs with a SAABL team, that player must be listed on the team’s roster with an "active" status (e.g. paid league dues in full for the remainder of the season and completed registration with SAABL) and participate in at least eight (8) regular season games. Players who do not meet these requirements will not be eligible to play in playoff games.


7.3. Team Playoff Eligibility:

At the discretion of the League President, with appeal rights to the SAABL Board of Directors, any team forfeiting twice in a single season may be deemed ineligible for post-season play.


7.4. Roster Termination ("Cut") Letters:

Every manager is required to send a "cut letter" to each player from his preceding year’s roster whose position on the roster is being terminated before start of play for the next season. Roster termination letters must be sent to the player prior to the 31st day of January of the year in which the roster position is being terminated. A copy of each roster termination letter must be submitted to the SAABL President by the 7th day of February of the same year. NO PLAYER MAY BE REMOVED FROM A ROSTER AFTER THE 31st OF JANUARY EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE LEAGUE PRESIDENT. ONLY THE SAABL-RECOGNIZED MANAGER HAS THE AUTHORITY OR ABILITY TO CUT A PLAYER.


7.5. Changes to Rules:

All League rules are subject to change, if in the best interests of the League. Any change requires a majority vote of the SAABL Board of Directors.


7.6. Ineligible Players:

If an ineligible player is used in a game that team will forfeit the game (even if not protested by the opposing team).  The League President also has the authority to suspend the ineligible player should it be determined the player should reasonably have known they were ineligible at the time they played (for example, they are currently serving a suspension). Note that the ineligible player’s suspension cannot commence until he/she has remedied the cause of the ineligible status.


7.6.1. Ensuring Eligibility:

It is the responsibility of the manager and/or player to confirm the receipt of payment or required forms or signatures by the League office. Mailing the payment/form the day of a game does not make the player eligible. Check the League website rosters well in advance of your first game to ensure that all of your players are eligible to begin the season.  


7.6.2. Eligible Player Definition:

A player is defined as eligible to play if his/her roster status on the current League’s web site shows "Active". Any status other than "Active" will mean the player is ineligible. As well, any player who is required to serve a suspension, regardless of the roster status shown on the League web site, is ineligible to play.


7.6.3. Other Definitions of Ineligible:

Any player who plays in violation of the SAABL Pool Player Policy or player acquisitions rules shall be considered an ineligible player. Any player who registers for the tryouts in a given year, whether they attend a tryout or not, shall be considered an ineligible player in that year if the first team they are added to is by any means other than the draft.


7.7. Missed General Meetings:

Each manager (or a designated replacement) shall attend each scheduled Manager's Meeting. The manager is responsible for his replacement’s attendance. The League President will forward any important information discussed at meetings on these dates. For unexcused missed meetings, the burden of responsibility is placed on the manager to contact other managers to receive any information you missed.


7.8. Manager Conduct:

Any manager that is removed from position by the League President or SAABL Board of Directors may not be reinstated as a manager in the SAABL until he/she is both a member in good standing with the SAABL and his/her reinstatement is approved by the SAABL Board of Directors. Managers may not initiate contact with players on other teams in their own division, during the season or not, for the purpose of recruiting them to their team, or to suggest the player ask for a trade or any other such actions that would reasonably be considered tampering. Such actions are subject to suspension, fines or other discipline of the manager by the League President or Board of Directors.


8. Discipline and Ejection

The following information represents the standards or penalties imposed for ejections and/or any other disciplinary matters regarding SAABL members. Ejections are to be reported by the affected player’s Manager to League President, within 24 hours or prior to the team’s next game, whichever comes first.  Umpires will also submit an Umpire Incident Report.  The League President and any “Appeal Panel” convened must report, in writing, the results of all disciplinary actions (penalties leveled, appeals heard, and reasoning behind such decisions) by the next SAABL Board of Directors meeting following the disciplinary action.


8.1.  Ejections:

All ejections are subject to suspensions and or fine. The League President, and/or SAABL Board of Directors have the discretion to determine the appropriate penalty and should penalize the player proportionate to their actions.


8.2. Fighting, Physical Threats:

Fighting or attempting to incite a brawl, leaving the bench or your position during any type of altercation, or physical and/or verbal intimidation -- that which would put a reasonable person in fear for his or her safety -- whether directed at an umpire, players, field personnel, fans, or any other person in the vicinity, shall subject a player to suspension, fine and/or banishment from the League on the first offense. The League President or SAABL Board of Directors may determine penalties or may banish a player for this offense.


8.3. Other Disciplinary Actions:

Given the fact that the above disciplinary rules will not cover every possible situation that may arise, the League reserves the right to review and penalize any misbehavior which it deems detrimental to the welfare and reputation of the League. The League President or SAABL Board of Directors has the power to penalize behavior or levy fines or assessments as it deems appropriate (e.g., cases of property destruction, damage to the League’s reputation, etc.).



8.4. Serving Suspensions:

A suspension is to be applied to the next available game(s) for which that player’s team is scheduled. This may include carry-over into the playoffs and/or the following season or if a) the player changes teams or b) the player changes division or c) their team changes divisions part-way through the suspension. A player who plays for an additional team in another division only serves their suspension in the division in which the offense occurred. While serving suspensions, a suspended player may not attend their team's games, sit on the bench, or be present at the field where their team is playing.


8.4.1. Multiple Team Exceptions:

If the player leaves the team, the board has the right to ensure the penalty is fulfilled. Additionally, a player who plays for two or more teams, and quits the team on which the offense occurred must still serve the remainder of the suspension with one of the teams on which he/she still plays. Finally, a player who quits part-way through a suspension, and then returns to the SAABL at a later date must still serve the remainder of their suspension and pay any outstanding fines.


8.4.2. Double-Header Exception:

A player who is ejected in the first game of a double-header may play in the second game only if his/her team will forfeit due to losing that player.


8.5. Payment of Monetary Fines:

When monetary fines are provided as part of the disciplinary penalty, the League will place a “payment due” status on the player’s account for the amount of the fine and mark the player as Not Active on the SAABL website. Monetary fines must be paid in full to the Division Commissioner and/or any member of the Board of Directors or through electronic payment on the League website prior to participating in a game in the division where the offense occurred, regardless of whether the suspension has been served or not. Example: Player X must serve a 2 game suspension and pay $25. Player X takes 10 days to pay the fine, but his team plays 4 games over those 10 days. Player X is not eligible to play in any of those 4 games because he has an outstanding fine to the League. If a player is found to have played in a game with a fine not being paid, both the player & team manager will be subject to the next level of ejection/discipline.


8.5.1 Multiple Teams:

With regard to players who are members of multiple teams, the SAABL Board of Directors always has the power, should such action be necessary, to extend the application of a penalty to all divisions in which a player is a member.


9. Team Management Rules


9.1 Draft Rules

Draft order will be determined by overall winning percentage of teams for the regular season and playoffs from the previous season using the following calculation: wins / (wins + losses) = winning percentage. For the calculation, ties count as 0.5 win and 0.5 loss. Teams will draft from lowest winning percentage to highest. Teams that are new to the division will be added to the end of each round.

Use the following factors to break ties for playoff seeding:

1) Head-to-head competition--wins/losses

2) Head-to-head competition--runs allowed

3) Overall runs allowed

4) Coin flip

Newly formed and approved teams will be slotted at the last pick of their division drafts. Any changes to such are at the discretion of the League President and Board of Directors.


9.2 Drafting Family Members

If immediate family members wish to be drafted together, these pairs will be identified at the beginning of the draft. The paired players will only be available to be drafted in divisions where both (or all) are eligible.

If a team selects one of the paired players, the other(s) will be automatically selected with that team’s next available selection. The team may not make another draft pick until they have selected all of the players in that family pairing.


9.2.1 Minimum Roster Size prior to draft

Teams should have at least 10 players on the roster in order to be considered a viable team and participate in the draft. Teams with less than 10 players on their roster prior to the draft should communicate with the League President to determine viability in completing the minimum player requirements though the draft.  Players whose teams are deemed unviable per this rule are made free agents and are eligible to join any team per section 9.3 and the limitations of the SAABL divisions.


9.2.2 Releasing Players

An unlimited number of players can be released (i.e. - cut) after the end of any given season.  All players released must be issued the official SAABL Release Letter no later than January 31st. 


9.3 Player Free Agency

A player is a free agent if s/he (1) was not on a SAABL roster for a division in which s/he seeks to play; (2) was cut or released by her/his previous team; or (3) was eligible to be drafted and remained undrafted.

1.  A free agent is free to join any team in any division at any time.

2.  A "Returning Player" is a player who was a member of a team in the previous season and will automatically be a roster member for the current season unless cut or released by his/her previous team.

3.  Any team that folds from a division makes their players free agents. Any free agent player is available to be picked by any team in the division with no consequence.



9.4 Playoff Seeding

Playoff seeding will be determined by regular season winning percentage using the following calculation: wins/(wins + losses) = winning percentage. For the calculation, ties count as 0.5 win and 0.5 loss.

Use the following factors to break ties for playoff seeding:

1) Head-to-head competition--wins/losses

2) Head-to-head competition--runs allowed

3) Overall runs allowed

4) Coin flip


9.5 Minimum Playing Time

There is no minimum playing time requirement for players in SAABL.  However, all players do pay to play, and each manager should make concerted efforts to get all players at least some playing time.  The amount of playing time for any given player is likely to be based on his/her skill level in comparison to other teammates and could differ based on the significance of the game being played (i.e., regular season vs playoff games) as well as specific game-situations.    


9.6 Team Names

Team names & logos must be approved by the League President. Team names & logos that are deemed offensive or inappropriate will not be approved.  

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