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Player Cost

 League Costs and Player Fees


An adult baseball league differs in many ways when compared to softball and other leisure or recreational sports leagues.  Here in the SAABL, like many other adult baseball leagues across the country who are affiliated with a national organization, our games are 9-innings or 3 hours in length, officiated by nationally certified umpires and played on high-quality fields.  SAABL games are highly structured and competitive.   There are, of course, costs associated with each of these.  As players, we all know that we must pay to play this game that we have grown to love and have a passion for:  the great game of baseball.  We also know that, like nearly all other things in life, "you get what you pay for".    It's simply not possible to manage and operate a league like ours for a lower cost.   Fees paid by players & teams go directly towards providing the services of the league and the marketing & advertising necessary to not only make prospective players aware of our existence but also to help grow and develop our league for years to come.  The SAABL League President, and all other eventual members of the leadership team are not paid members of SAABL and do not collect any salary.  The SAABL has been created and is operated only for the purpose of the players (members) in our league.


 If you are looking for a league that is well-managed, organized, player-focused, has high-quality fields, provides awards & trophies and so many more features that make adult baseball competitive, fun, exciting and entertaining, you have come to the right place.  


2024 Team/Player Costs


For the 2024 season, SAABL intends to use team-fee payment structure (Final team fees TBD). The manager of each team will be required to turn in their roster and fee prior to the start of the season.


 Individual players who joined their team at the start of the season, with a full 20-game season (plus an All-Star Game and playoffs) ahead of them should anticipate paying about $400. This amount can vary depending on the number of players on a team.   Most rosters are typically between15-20 players.


As the season progresses and teams have demonstrated a need to bring new players onto their roster, all players that join SAABL after the start of the season are required to pay league fees of $20 per game on the remaining schedule. These payments will be made directly to SAABL and are not included toward the team fee structure.   This amount is consistent with the cost prior to the start of the season for all players and is fair, equitable and best serves the needs of our league.


SAABL Player Costs are very much in line with most nationally affiliated adult baseball leagues across the country, especially those that are very organized, well managed, play on high-quality fields and have much to offer to its players / members.


  Team and player fees cover the following costs:


  • rental of high quality baseball fields

  • field maintenance / supplies (bags of clay, chalk & paint for lines-bases-pitching rubber-home plate, tarps, etc.)

  • umpires (Qty 2) for each game

  • awards:  T-shirts & trophies for All-Star Games, Home Run Derbies, Division Champions

  • website development & maintenance

  • marketing & advertising materials




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